Summer of Farewells
While writing this piece (my first blog to be exact) I will probably become some sort of an emotional wreck, but that can only mean one thing right? That I am a teenage girl trying to figure out how I feel about moving on from the safety net of my hometown into my newfound life. And that is exactly the case. In a couple of weeks I will move into a small, tiny, dinky dorm room and share a personal space for the first time. Not only a dorm, but a bathroom and practically all of my privacy will be gone. Instead of being able to shut my bedroom door and secluding myself from everything and what seems to be the world, I will constantly be surrounded by people. What's there not to be nervous about? It is a whole new life that is quickly approaching. Everything I have ever been used to will no longer be prevalent in my life. But I am welcoming it with open arms, because like I said, this is my new life. So along with completely uprooting everythin...