Summer of Farewells

While writing this piece (my first blog to be exact) I will probably become some sort of an emotional wreck, but that can only mean one thing right? That I am a teenage girl trying to figure out how I feel about moving on from the safety net of my hometown into my newfound life.  And that is exactly the case. In a couple of weeks I will move into a small, tiny, dinky dorm room and share a personal space for the first time.  Not only a dorm, but a bathroom and practically all of my privacy will be gone.  Instead of being able to shut my bedroom door and secluding myself from everything and what seems to be the world, I will constantly be surrounded by people. What's there not to be nervous about?  It is a whole new life that is quickly approaching. Everything I have ever been used to will no longer be prevalent in my life.  But I am welcoming it with open arms, because like I said, this is my new life.

So along with completely uprooting everything I have ever known, I am also spending the months before my freshmen year soaking in as much as possible.  Spending every night at a different fire or pool, making plans to travel through my hometown and explore the things that have been in front of me my entire life, but most importantly just spending time with the people I am going to have to say goodbye to at the end of summer.  Friends, family, teachers, mentors, you name it, it will come a time where I will share so many goodbyes with those who have impacted my life in some way.  You know, we wish away our years in grade school, or at least I did, I'm sure there are many out there who did the same, and I regret every minute of it.  At the time it seemed like graduating and becoming independent is exactly what I wanted, but then when the time comes to move forward, I have realized there are too many things I have to say goodbye to and let go. 

When it comes time to say the final goodbye, to my best friends, it might be one of the most emotional times of my life.  No one wants to say goodbye to the people who helped shape you into the person you have become.  So, why look forward to something so brutal.   I may be a bit biased, but I think that I have the best of friends out there, saying goodbye and going our separate ways will be one of the hardest things I will ever have to do.  But whether we go states, counties, miles or minutes away, what scares me the most is that our friendships could change.  I've heard so many stories that friends in high school don't remain your friends through college, so why would I want to rush saying goodbye to the people who got me through so much?  Instead of "see you tomorrow" it will be "see you in a couple of months" or in some cases "see you next year".  Saying we had a couple months, soon dwindled down to having two months, and now we are weeks away from saying the hardest farewells.  We have been saying goodbyes our whole lives; to teachers, grades, friends we have grown apart from, schools, and other mentors.  But this final goodbye will signify a new life I am about to embark on, I am saying goodbye to the past 18 years of my life and saying hello to my future.  

But through this whole process, I am hoping to take in everything that comes my way.  Will leaving the people I counted on for the major part of my life be hard?  Without a doubt.  But I cannot wait to see the person I will become.  Throughout my journey of college and life, I am going to keep this blog.  To express my thoughts, feelings, and everything else that comes and goes through this mind of mine.  It is my way to see how I grow as a person and to also have a place to look back on highs and lows in my life.. Hopefully, whoever is reading this will tag along and take the journey with me through the many ups and downs of my life.  This is according to Keara after all! :)  


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