
Showing posts from 2015

Room 218 changed me for the Better

The blog I said I was going to write at the beginning of the semester, boy was I wrong.  At least I have finally gotten around to it. Four months ago I unloaded my entire life into a 16’ by 9’ room and had no idea how to deal with it.   I was scared, anxious, excited and ready to start a new journey, but I was not sure how to go about doing so.   I knew I needed to rely on God to get me through it.   And now, today, as I say goodbye to room 218 and Columbia Hall for five or so weeks, I am able to look back and see a tremendous growth in myself.   Not only as an 18 year old college student, but as a follower of Jesus Christ. The first weekend was miserable.  I called my friends from home hundreds of times and would constantly FaceTime my parents.   The thoughts going through my head were words from Satan; telling me I couldn’t do it and would end up leaving and going home.   Although I would have never admitted that then.   I ...

10 Signs You are Addcited to Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee

Dunkin' Donuts logo It was about three years ago now that I had my original and first iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts...and since then I haven't been the same.  That iced coffee changed my life and the way I live.  My original iced coffee was a plain jane; a medium iced coffee with cream and sugar, boy, I had no idea what my future was about to hold for me.  Ever since, I have been a regular at my favorite Dunkin Donuts shop. I have seen some of my favorite coffee makers come and go, and a little piece of me believes that I could get behind the counter and teach the new employees how to make the perfect iced coffee.  And let's be honest, if you say you haven't thought the same thing we all know you're lying.  So if you are completely aware of your Dunking obsession just like I am, you know these 10 signs that you are for sure, 100% addicted to Dunkin Donuts: When you are looking for a Dunkin' Donuts, you're eyes immediately begin searching for the co...

Summer of Farewells

While writing this piece (my first blog to be exact) I will probably become some sort of an emotional wreck, but that can only mean one thing right? That I am a teenage girl trying to figure out how I feel about moving on from the safety net of my hometown into my newfound life.  And that is exactly the case. In a couple of weeks I will move into a small, tiny, dinky dorm room and share a personal space for the first time.  Not only a dorm, but a bathroom and practically all of my privacy will be gone.  Instead of being able to shut my bedroom door and secluding myself from everything and what seems to be the world, I will constantly be surrounded by people. What's there not to be nervous about?  It is a whole new life that is quickly approaching. Everything I have ever been used to will no longer be prevalent in my life.  But I am welcoming it with open arms, because like I said, this is my new life. So along with completely uprooting everythin...